Lunch A Bunch for 3 Year Old Class!

We are excited to announce that Lunch-a-Bunch will be starting on November 9th for the 3 year-old class and will continue on most Tuesdays during our 2010-2011 school year.

Lunch-a-Bunch is a great time for students to spend additional time with their classmates and teachers. Included in the additional hour and a half beyond the regular school day is extended play with additional toys, puzzles and games, outdoor play (weather-permitting), and lunch time at the table (students bring a sack lunch). Students really enjoy this extended time and it proves to be beneficial for socialization, extended time to discover through play and additional time to explore more toys, puzzles and games!

If you are interested in signing your child up for Lunch-a-Bunch, please look for the sign-up sheet in the school lobby. Each Lunch-a-Bunch session is $12. We hope that your child will be able to join us during this special time!

A Special Visit From Officer Joe and Drak the Dog!

We had a very special visit from Officer Joe and Drak the K-9 dog! Officer Joe talked with our 4-year-old class about safety and also sang the "Laughing Song" with us as we held our silly smiles that he gave to us. Take a peek at our pictures! We had so much fun!

After Officer Joe's visit, we read a book about jobs and asked the children what they would like to be when they grow up. Some of the answers included: an artist, rescue worker, scientist, office worker, house builder, animal doctor, people doctor and more!

Singing Songs and Having FUN!

Music brings joy, movement, socialization and smiles to each class and we are very excited to share new songs and practice other ones that we know!

We have had a wonderful time singing the following songs:

"The More We Get Together"
"I am Special"
"Way Up High in the Apple Tree"
"I'm an Acorn"
"I Love to Rake"
"Who's Name Is..."

In our 3-year-old class, we have enjoyed singing:
"Grey Squirrel, Grey Squirrel"... Ask us how we swish our bushy tails!

In our 4-year-old class, we have also enjoyed singing:
"Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?" During this song, we love to choose another classmate and learn each others' names!

In many of these songs, we have enjoyed stretching, moving, shaking and learning hand motions - please encourage your child to sing these songs at home! They are sure to bring a smile to your face!

We are Learning Sign Language!

One of our favorite things to do at Valley Christian Preschool is to learn new words in Sign Language. In our 4-year-old class, we have learned how to sign the following words:

Apple, alligator, bumblebee, butterfly, Bible, cat, dinosaur, elephant, friend, frog and I love you!

When we start a new letter of the week, we also learn the sign for that letter! In some of of songs that we sing during circle time, we also use sign language. We encourage you to practice the words we have learned with your children!